Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Song Suggestion: What if God was One of Us by Alanis Morisette

The business of the day had taken over my mind. I came flying into the backdoor of the Hair Clinic.. brushing my pant legs off because.. of course... I notice in the last three seconds of my fifteen minute car ride that there was lint all over them from the dryer. Nice. I walk in looking rather unkept and I already feel a hint of anxiety. Great. I can smell the aroma of my evening awaiting me.
I page my finger down the schedule, finding my name then landing on my first client.. one, Margaret J. (respectfully keeping her name anonymous)
My first guess is this.. 'Margaret J.' is middle aged lady who has been referred to me by one of my more committed clients. My assumption was incorrect however when in walks a plump looking lady with polka-dot fingernails chewed down to the nub, and her aid. I am going to be completely honest with you. I rolled my eyes.. subtly yes. But the bitch in me sort of clawed her way out.
Margaret may not have been all there. But as much as she could be, she was. I got to thinking as she stretch my patience with the exact same question 15 times in a row, how life would be if it were just as simple as Margaret's. I mean what would it be like when someone walks into a salon with a prosthetic arm, to just say...

"Hey.. um.. what happened to your arm?"

Yes.. it happened, the aid and I tried to intervene.. to no avail.. :) But it was the honesty that caught me off guard. Not the rude bluntness.

What would it be like to always feel comfortable saying what is on your mind? Would it hinder you or better you?

I guess that is the luxury we as mostly sound.. healthy human beings have. But I want to thank you Margaret. For stretching me. For making me laugh when you so bluntly asked me why my hair is so blond. he he.. for chugging your Mountain Dew faster then a college dude chuggs his Miller Light and for belching louder then he probably could also. Nice push Margaret. I hope your red hair with blond highlights serve you well, and I most definitely hope to see you again.

Lesson learned? Don't ever judge a book by it's cover.

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