Friday, November 28, 2008

What goes up.. must come down.

Song Suggestion:  Clumsy by Fergie

  I love the feeling I have when I am all put together.  I had a great day this last week.  It was Tuesday.  I got all the laundry done, put the clean dishes away and loaded the full sink of dirty ones into the dishwasher.  I vacuumed.. I even had the chance to sift the poop out Suzie's litter box.  I was on top of my game.  It was magical.   I must have had a second wind because after all of that, I even got myself and Kendall ready with time to spare.  
  Right before we ran out the door.. Kendall to destination- Oma's (Grandma Peg) and I to the Hair Clinic, we both stood in front of the mirror to admire ourselves.
 "I look like I princthes mama."  lisped Kendall.

 "I look like a hot mama."  I said, smiling at Kendall

  We gave each other knuckles.. (a fist to fist agreement that we both look goood.)  And we strutted out the door.  Our heads barely fit.  

  I went to work, feeling great.  When you feel great, you do good work.  When you do good work you feel great.  It's a fantastic cycle.  Some of my favorite clients came in to see me, and they all left blowing me kisses and telling me how good I am at my job (YES.. before you throw up in your mouth, I am exaggerating) but it was a good night and I was on my game. I was loving life strong.   
   I was still a little flighty from my fantastic day when I got home.  I raided the kitchen before I went downstairs to see Justin.  I had a little bit of everything.  Pasta, granola bar, hot dog etc.  I hadn't had the chance to eat dinner and I was famished!  
  I got to the top of the stairs, ready for my decent to the basement.. thought about taking off my pumps.. but changed my mind because they sort of finished off the outfit, and call me totally vain..  but I wanted to look hot for Justin.  As I took that first step, my heel caught the top stair.  Everything went in slow motion from there.
    I distinctly remember thinking to myself...  "NOOOOOOO... SHIT....... NOOOOO."   Then I tried grabbing something, anything to catch myself.. there was nothing.   Let me remind you I had a fully loaded plate in my right hand.   I went down, head first. My plate clutched in my hand.  After about three somersaults and a head slam to the side of the wall in mid-fall, I landed upside down at the bottom of the stairs.   Pasta was strewn about.  My hot dog was smashed into one of the stairs.. ketchup and mustard was everywhere,  and I have no clue where my granola bar went.  ME? Well I looked like I had been tarred and feathered so to speak.  
   I knew Justin heard it all, I knew he saw it all.  I remember being so embarrassed.  I didn't know if I should cry, or laugh.  I was still in shock so nothing started hurting yet.  But I didn't move a muscle.  I just laid on the ground and literally soaked it all in.   Then I hear Justin, who is sitting on the couch say,


  That is when I started laughing,  sort of.  It was kind of a half cry, half laugh. 

"You fell from the top didn't you?"  he said.

  I continued to laugh/cry and pull pasta off my face.  Still laying on the ground, half afraid to move. 

"I am so glad you aren't dead, because we both know EVERYONE would think I pushed you." he said laughing.

  This is when I got hysterical and Justin runs over to me and sits on the floor beside me.  We are both looking at the stairs now and I don't think either of us were able to breath because we were laughing so hard.   

"Just TAKE OFF THE HEELS babe, seriously."  he said picking a noodle out of my hair.

 "Never."  I groaned. 

  The lesson I learned?

  Well the obvious.. take your shoes off before walking down the stairs if they are three inches or higher.
  I learned that looks cannot always be everything.  It never fails, when I am trying to be the best, the prettiest, the most talented.. I end up making an ass of myself.  I end up looking like I am trying way to hard which in turn makes me, or anyone for that matter, look like an ass. Yes an A-S-S.  So don't be an ass.  Be you, be real, be genuine.  It's much more attractive.  I am sure Justin would have been much happier with me wearing less as I graced him with my presence.. then more.. but thats as far as I am going to take that. ;)
 But I also realized, that I never stopped and thanked the One who is responsible for providing me a house to clean, I never thanked the One who gave me the family who uses those dishes that I loaded in the dishwasher.  Never once did I thank the One who gave me the talent of doing hair, and provided me with a job I love.  Never once did I thank him for a good day.  And what if I would take all those nasty jobs I have to do every day and say..  "thank you for.."  instead of  "Uuuughghghgh why do I have to do this..."?
  For example..

  Thank you God that I have a cat named Suzie.. who poops in the litter box.  Who I love.. who loves me.  It is a blessing, God, to scoop her poop.  

  Okay.. you get the point I am sure.  But what if we all did this?  I think we would appreciate everything a tiny bit more. 

  If I were God.. I would've given me a swift kick in the ass, and chuckled as I went sailing down those stairs.  "Ungrateful twit," I can imagine Him saying.  Hmmm maybe he did.  Either way.  I got the point.  

  ~Thank you God, for letting me sail down those stairs, for letting my head slam into the wall, and for the three saumersalts before I landed.  Because somewhere in between, I learned to love you a bit more.  To appreciate my family a bit more... and to not take myself so seriously. 
    P.s.  I know you love me more then I love you.  Thank you.   amen






  1. Hilarious story Renee! You had me in tears...people at work probably think I'm going crazy...thanks for the giggles!

  2. Oh Renee. First of all, I know that the only client that you were missing that day was me, hehehe. Secondly, I was laughing so so hard I almost peed my pants. I was can just see it all happen in my mind. I happended to be at my parents while reading and I was laughing so much my dad asked what was so funny so I read it to him. You know it's funny when my father chuckling like a little kid. Thank you so much for making my night. Oh yeah, did you get the news: Adam and I are going to have another kid. I know, crazy.

  3. Funny story Renee! You have such a talent for writing!! Such a funny and beautiful story at the same time. You gave me chills, a good laugh, and made my night!!! :)
